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Application Steps

Click the Mountain Entry Permit Application button. (Since this date, an application is required to be submitted 3 to 124 days prior to the entry date)
Please read the Privacy Protection Policy and Application Guidelines section carefully, and proceed to select the box for I understand and agree with the above Privacy Protection Policy and Instructions for Use.
Go to the Mountain Entry Permit Application section, fill in your ID No./Passport No. and click the Apply with Citizen Digital Certificate or Apply without Citizen Digital Certificate button to proceed the application. If applicable, select the box for Load a previous application information and register of names (for applications within 7 days), fill in the blanks of ID No., Name, and Date of Birth as required for the loading and click the Apply without Citizen Digital Certificate button.
Fill in relevant information of the applicant, including Emergency Contact Person, Duration of Stay, Destination, Mountaineering Route Map and Mountain Entry Plan.
In the Destination section, click the Select a destination button, enter the keyword for the destination, click the Inquiry button, choose a destination and click the Save button. Or, choose a destination directly in the scroll box and click the Save button.
In the Route Map section, select a route from the drop-down menu of the List of Routes, or fill in the blank directly.
After completing the required fields on the application page, please click the "Save&SendEmail" button. Then, a six-digit verification code will be sent to your EMAIL address. Please enter the verification code to complete the EMAIL verification process to ensure the issuance of the Mountain Entry Permit.
When the above blanks are completed, click the Edit Register of Names button. If all the information provided is correct, click the Yes button in the Confirmation pop-up window.

Select Establish a Register of Names manually or “Upload a Register of Names document” to continue the process.

  • (1) Establish a Register of Names manually:
    1. i. Individually fill in the relevant information for each person entering the mountain area, including his/her name and ID No., etc.
    2. ii. Click the “Add” button.
    3. iii. To add a new person, please repeat the above steps.
  • (2) Upload a Register of Names document: (please download and use the example file of “Register of names.xls” provided by NPA in the File Download section on the homepage)
    1. i. Click the Choose file button, and choose a file.
    2. ii. Click the Open button.
    3. iii. Click Start uploading a register and, when seeing the Notice pop-up window indicating the uploading is successfully completed, click the Close button.
    4. iv. Click the X (exit button) to return to the Application main page, and click the Apply button.
When all the blanks for the relevant information are filled in and the Register of Names is provided as required, click the Apply button. When seeing the Mountain Entry Permit Application Result pop-up window, the application is completed successfully.
If the Mountain Entry Permit Application Result pop-up window does not appear, please follow the instructions for revision as per the system notice. When finishing revision, click the Apply button.

Revision Steps for Draft Applications

Select the box for I understand and agree with the above Privacy Protection Policy and Instructions for Use, fill in applicant’s ID/passport No. and click the Apply without Citizen Digital Certificate button.
The draft application will be loaded automatically. Revise the relevant information as per the instructions provided in the Application Steps section on the homepage.
When all the blanks for the relevant information are filled in and the Register of Names is provided as required, click the Apply button. When seeing the Mountain Entry Permit Application Result pop-up window, the application is completed successfully.
If the Mountain Entry Permit Application Result pop-up window does not appear, please follow the instructions for revision as per the system notice. When finishing revision, click the Apply button.